
Les米勒 is a certified philosophical practitioner. He teaches most of the philosophy courses at pp电子极速糖果, 包括批判性思维, 哲学概论, 道德, 逻辑导论, 反省的人生, 西方思想的根源, 大思想家, 主要工作和主要问题. 此外,他还担任评论编辑 哲学实践, the journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners' Association.

He thrives on helping students and clients learn to flourish and live consciously through mindfulness and lizard brain taming. Much of this work in卷ves metacognition and so focuses on improving students' ability to think, which then gives them a better perspective on their own thought, and shows them how philosophical approaches can help them improve their thinking and daily lives directly. 当学生自己, 通过他们的信仰和思维过程, 成为一门课程的主题, they come to see how philosophy can be relevant to them, which causes them to be more engaged and responsive.

Working as a philosophical practitioner with friends and clients has directly influenced how Miller structures his courses to be much more student-centered and relevant to students' lives by bringing into the classroom proven solutions to cognitive issues. The inclusion of mindfulness into many courses allows him to send his courses and material outside the classroom and into the lives of his students wherever they may go.

Miller believes that the whole point of education is the cultivation of the intellect; students should both learn to think and come to desire the ability to think clearly, after which they actually will think about themselves, 他们的信仰, 他们的价值观, 他们的目标. Thus, education is to be strictly distinguished from job training. 他的工作不是培训工人, 而是帮助学生变得更加开放, 深思熟虑的, 意识到, 有能力的人——这对每个人都有好处, 不仅仅是他们未来的雇主.

When students see that they get immediate benefit from locating and then dropping maladaptive beliefs and changing faulty thought processes, 他们自然会更投入, 感兴趣, 为他们的教育投资. Some students feel frustration in Miller's courses because he insists that the student is responsible for her own learning, 所以不提供“现成”的答案, and instead forces the student to do the hard work of thinking through difficult and complex issues herself. That is, after all, the whole point of learning to think clearly.


  • 后海德格尔结构本体论
  • 知识产权伦理
  • 哲学中的隐喻
  • 哲学咨询/哲学实践
  • 正念
  • 动机性访谈教学法



Book chapter: "哲学实践 in the Classroom, or How I Kill Zombies for a Living," in 哲学教育学的当前问题 (forthcoming from the Philosophy Documentation Center).

Critical review: McCown, Donald, Diane Reibel, and Marc S. 米可兹认为, Teaching 正念: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Educators, 纽约:斯普林格出版社, 2010, in 哲学实践 卷. 10.2(2015年7月)1612 - 1615.

书评:麦克穆林,艾琳. Time and the Shared 世界: Heidegger on Social Relations, 埃文斯顿, 伊利诺伊州:西北大学出版社, 2013, in 哲学实践 卷. 9.2(2014年7月)1402 - 1405.

书评:Robert D . Stolorow., 世界, 情感作用, Trauma: Heidegger and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis, 纽约:劳特利奇出版社, 2011, in 哲学实践, 8.1(2013年3月)1169 - 1172.

Critical review: Irven, Donovan, Two Days of Dying, Philadelphia: Streisguth, 2011, in 哲学实践, 7.2(2012年11月).


《哲学实践:它是什么?, 它是如何工作的, and How to Incorporate it into your Philosophical Classroom," for the AAPT 20th Biennial International Conference on Teaching Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN, 7 - 8月, 2014.

"Lizard Brain Taming: Reducing Student Resistance and Improving Engagement through Metacognition," AAPT 19th Biennial International Conference on Teaching Philosophy, St. 爱德华大学,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州,2012年7月.

"Self and Identity" Mesa County Public Library District, February 2011.

"Applied Philosophy: An Effective 哲学概论 for Non-Majors," AAPT 18th Biennial International Conference on Teaching Philosophy, 卡罗莱纳海岸大学, 康威/桃金娘海滩, SC, 7 - 8月, 2010.

"Motivational Interviewing as a Pedagogical Method in the Philosophy Classroom," AAPT 17th Biennial International Conference on Teaching Philosophy, 圭尔夫大学, 8月, 2008.


“生活, 爱, 和死亡," Second Front Performance Group streamed live to Present Music - 生活, 爱, 以及密尔沃基特纳舞厅的死亡事件, WI. With Arla Ó Lionáird, Ireland's great Sean nós singer. 4月11日.

“一年进,一年出” a virtual fluxus experiment based on Ken Friedman's 1975 script. 2013年12月,2014年1月.

“Fluxus死了(?)" -混合现实事件. Second Front performance for Future Fluxus with Second Front and Larry Miller at Donau Fest, 5月7日, 2011, 期, 奥地利.

"The MoFo's of Invention" Second Front performance for Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance, Oct. 13, 2010. The performance was for Milan's Innovation Festival, 并为米兰的活动进行现场直播, 意大利.

“治疗”, a Second Front Performance at the Electrosmog International Festival for Sustainable Immobility on March 20,2010.

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